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Membership Application Form 2024-2025

Part A 
- To be completed by ALL APPLICANTS

Please note that Associate membership is offered only to Georgian citizens, former full members no longer residing in Georgia, and spouses/partners of current full members.

Associate membership offers the same benefits and privileges as full membership, without the voting rights, the right to hold an elected office, the involvement/influence in any committee function and the right to serve as leader of any interest groups. 

Part B - 
To be completed by NEW APPLICANTS only

Part C - 
Optional but appreciated!

When organizing events and carrying out our work throughout the year, it is often useful to draw on the contacts and/or skills of our membership group.

If you, or anyone in your household, works in or have any contacts at any international organizations or embassies, please provide details:

If you, or anyone in your household, have experience of event planning, fundraising, marketing, graphic design, IT or any other skills that you think may be useful, please provide details:

Part D - 
To be completed by ALL APPLICANTS