Georgian Association for Equality

What a wonderful opportunity to support young people within the campaign #AllForYouth.

Trainings for “Discrimination in labor relations” – Social tour to meet women entrepreneurs – No does not mean Yes and other very important topics!

One part we would like to introduce in a little more in depth: For many young people, the first career step is related to employment in the service sector.

Exploitative and inappropriate treatment of employees in this field accessible to students is a widespread trend. In similar situations, many cases of sexual or moral harassment of young women, discriminatory attitude towards them have been recorded. It is possible to recognize records of similar context from the side of the employer even at the stage of signing the contract.

Based on the above, it is important to inform students about hidden forms of discrimination in labor relations, ways of appealing them and about their rights, which is the goal of the training series – “Discrimination in labor relations”.

As part of the activity, on October 15-25, in the association’s 4 equality clubs, the speaker Giorgi Zhorzholiani will talk to students in detail about possible hidden manipulations by the employer.

As part of the activity, on October 15-25, in the association’s 4 equality clubs, the speaker Giorgi Zhorzholiani will talk to students in detail about possible hidden manipulations by the employer.

We are very happy to have our IWA members on board to support this important project!

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